Gray muzzles (gray, fawn, red and these colors brindled) lighter shades are acceptable. Second thigh - It is long, lean, with a strong bone and muscle structure, has a well marked muscular groove. Dogs with black pigment have black noses; gray pigmented dogs have gray noses; pigmentation is complete. Tailless, short tail (docked or not) The upper longitudinal axes of the skull and of the muzzle are slightly convergent. Rear dewclaws: Any rear dewclaws are removed. Il Cane Corso, come pure il Pointer, il San Bernardo, il Bull Mastiff, ecc, sono monoconvergenti. Chest: Broad, well-muscled, strong forefront. 72/73Æ). Medium-large sized molossoid, sturdy, compact, with a strong skeleton, muscular and athletic, it moves with considerable ease. The lower margin of the neck is practically without dewlap. When not in action is low. The branches of the lower jaw are very strong and, seen from the side, are quite curved, the body of the lower jaw, well accentuated forward, points out well the marked chin. Lingua ufficiale Inglese. Hair As the dog accelerates, the feet converge toward a center line of gravity in a near-single track. BODY Fernando Casolino È senza dubbio un cane dominante che male sopporta da adulto la presenza di altri maschi nel proprio territorio o nelle proprie vicinanze, e quindi richiede un proprietario di carattere che sappia gestire con fermezza il ruolo di capo branco e che permetta al cane di esprimere al meglio il ruolo di fedele ed incorruttibile gregario. Size, Proportion, Substance Weight: Proportionate to height. Croup: Long, wide, slightly sloping. Eye Color: Dogs with black muzzles (black, fawn, red, and these colors brindled) dark brown eyes are preferred. Head: Large and typically molossoid. Eyes - Partial and bilateral palpebral depigmentation, wall-eye, bilateral strabismus. Carried low, it is neither broken nor kinked but supple. Its width, measured at half of its height, is equal to 35% of the height at the withers and decreases slightly towards the sternum region without forming a carina. The incisors are firmly placed on a straight line. 50Æ on the horizontal line. Elbows: Held parallel to the ribcage, turning neither in nor out. Therefore the rump is slightly inclined. The medio-frontal furrow is visible The profile of the nasal bridge is straight. Supraorbital fossae slightly marked. Its width, measured at half of its height, is equal to 35% of the height at the withers and decreases slightly towards the sternum region without forming a carina. Hind feet: Slightly more oval shaped and less arched toes than the front feet. Standard di razza del Cane… Il Cane Corso è un molosso elegante e imponente, con muscoli scattanti e dotato di notevole agilità. Seen from the front, it follows the straight vertical line of the forearm; it is lean, wide, mobile, thick. Cheeks Eyelids close fitting. Tail: Tail set is an extension of the backline. Questo grosso mustelide, dalle abitudini notturne, era molto apprezzato sia per la pelliccia, che per il sapore della carne e persino per il grasso che, fuso, veniva usato come unguento lenitivo. Weight Il pelo del manto è corto ma non raso, molto robusto e fittissimo (pelo di vacca), tale da garantire una perfetta impermeabilità; caratteristica imprescindibile è la presenza di un sottopelo che soprattutto d’inverno diventa molto fitto. Its length, from the tip of the elbow to the one of the arm is equal to 32/33% of the height at the withers. The length, measured from the ridge of the hip to the ridge of the nates is equal to 32% of the height at the withers. The head is moderately sculptured with zygomatic arches stretched outwards. Undershot more than 1/4 inch. Difficilmente poteva essere coniato un termine più adeguato per descrivere questo cane, insieme di potenza e distinzione, di coraggio ed equilibrio. Its name is the one by which it has always been known in the south, having the same root as "corsiero" (courser), the medieval war horse; perhaps it derives from the Latin "cohors" (courtyard, body guard). Il Cane Corso è il discendente diretto dell’antico molosso romano. With allowance of ± 2 cm. Stifle - The angle of the stifle joint is of approx. Quite outstretched and slightly protruding at the joint, they become semi-erect when the dog is watchful. Overshot mouth His name derives from the Latin "cohors", which means "protector, guardian of the farmyard". Bridge of nose very hollow, rams's nose In the recent past he has found a excellent preservation area in Southern Italy, expecially in Puglia, Lucania and Sannio. The total length of the head reaches 3,6/10 of the height at the withers. Era questa mischia finale, questo epilogo cruento, che esaltava gli uomini e che li ha portati a celebrare la scena in una molteplice serie di rappresentazioni artistiche. The length of the dog, measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of buttock, is 11% percent greater than the height of the dog measured from the highest point of the shoulder to the ground. N.B. It is thick at the root with not much tapering at the tip. Size, Proportion, Substance Upper arms: Strongly muscled, with good bone, powerful. 32% of the height at the withers. Well proportioned to the size of the dog. Dentition is complete. Disqualification: A natural tail that is atrophied or a natural tail that is knotted and laterally deviated or twisted. Yellow bird of prey, blue eyes. Yellow bird of prey; blue eyes. In the past this breed was common all over Italy as an ample iconography and historiography testify. Croup It has to be voluminous, rather flat on top, with wide nostrils, opened and mobile, wet and cool. Hind profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). Hocks: Moderately angulated Muzzle: Noticeably shorter than the skull (ratio muzzle: skull approximately 1:2). Occipital crest not much developed. Mentre nel passato si erano create popolazioni dello stesso colore la selezione moderna non ha privilegiato, salvo rarissime eccezioni, alcun colore e gli accoppiamenti indiscriminati tra i vari colori ha dato origine a molteplici tonalità di grigio e fulvo: forse si dovrebbe tornare ai tradizionali quattro colori. HINDQUARTERS Robust and sturdy, nevertheless elegant. Cane is Italian for dog and there is no fact on what Corso stands for but there are some theories… According to the book Il Cane Corso by Fernando Casolino & Stefano Gandolfi there are the three different theories… Partial depigmentation. The elbows, long and protruding, adherent but not too close to the ribcage, covered with lean skin, must be like the humeri, on a strictly parallel plane to the sagittal plane of the trunk. Hock joint - It is wide, thick, and clean, with well marked bone. Withers Lasciando la tua email puoi essere il primo a sapere quando Allevamento cane Corso "dei Legionari Arditi", riconosciuto ENCI - FCI. Withers: pronounced, rising above the level of the croup. Date of publication of the original valid standard: 12.03.1999 The total length of the head reaches 3,6/10 of the height at the withers. Its length is 11% over the height at the withers, with allowance of ±1%. SKIN - It is, rather thick, has limited subcutaneous connective tissue and therefore is adherent everywhere to the layers underneath. The ICCF also decided to reinstitute the original Sottile standard for the Cane Corso. Supraorbital fossae slightly marked. L’allevamento “Dei Marchesi Del Partenio” (riconosciuto ENCI ed FCI) annuncia la nascita dei cuccioli di cane corso, neri e grigio piombo, nati dalla combinazione tra Attilio HDA (Bruto X Elettra) e Akira (Leno HDB ED0 X Maja). Rear dewclaws: Any rear dewclaws are removed. Underline and belly It is wide, thick, clean, with well marked bone. La bibliografia è innumerevole. 3 cm without creating fringes. May be cropped or uncropped, if cropped it is in an equilateral triangle. Its length is equal to 32% of the height at the withers and its inclination from the top to the bottom and from the front to the back is of approx. Stop: Well defined due to developed and bulging frontal sinuses and prominent arch above the eyes. Cane Corso Italiano – Carattere, Morfologia e Storia › Forum › Storia e Standard del cane corso › Cane corso standard enci Taggato: standard cane corso enci Questo topic ha 5 risposte, 6 partecipanti ed è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta 4 anni, 10 mesi fa da Anonimo . Muzzle is not overly narrow or snipey. In the past this breed was common all over Italy as an ample iconography and historiography testify. Eye Color: Dogs with black muzzles (coat colors of black, fawn or red, and these colors brindled) dark brown eyes are preferred. A valle, ai margini dell’orizzonte, il sole si rialza dalla marina a ridestare l’Aurora perché accolga sul suo carro la quattordicesima Razza Italiana. Tail: Set on fairly high; very thick at the root. Neck: Slightly arched, flowing smoothly into the shoulders with a small amount of dewlap. Brief Historical Summary: Its direct ancestor is the old Roman Molossian. They are lean and joint harmoniously to the neck and to the back. The lenght of the body is about ll% over the height at the withers. This allows us to make more educated decisions when pairing dogs. Its depth is more than 50% the lenght of the muzzle. Hindfeet - They have a slightly more oval shape than the fore ones and less arched toes. The Cane Corso is the Italian name for the breed, it is pronounced kah-ney corso. Lean and hard soles. Trovati 5 documenti. The Cane Corso received AKC recognition, into the Working Group, in 2010. Lips: The upper lips hang moderately and cover the mandible, so that the lower profile of the muzzle is determined by the lips. Nel 1988, nell’ambito delle esposizioni di Milano, Firenze e Bari, i Giudici Morsiani, Perricone e Vandoni hanno effettuato i rilievi cinometrici di più di 50 Corsi al fine di verificare la loro aderenza alle caratteristiche indicate nel progetto di Standard. © About Time Cane Corso & About Time Design The sternum region is lean, long, wide and seen from the side it outlines a semicircle with a wide radius which caudally goes up smoothly to the abdomen. Skull: Viewed from the front, skull is wide and slightly curved; width is equal to the length. Total depigmentation of the nose Its modern functions are watchdog, defending people and their belongings. 05 novembre 2020: COVID 19. Forearm: Straight, very strong Weight: males from 45 to 50 Kg; females from 40 to 45 Kg. The perimeter, at half lenght of the neck, is about 8/10 of the height at the withers. Tolerance of 2 cm more or less. Hind feet: Slightly more oval-shaped and less-arched toes. The Cane Corso as a protector of his property and owners is unequaled. to 64 cm. The breed standard is published in Dr. Giovanni Ventura book -"Il Cano Corso". The abdomen region is neither hollowed nor relaxed and, seen from the side, rises up from the sternum edge to the groins with a smooth curve. The length of the neck is approximately one third the height at the withers. Very wide, strong and thick, with a very slight shortening of the upper jaw with a subsequent light prognathism (undershot mouth). Elbows Solid fawn and red, including lighter and darker shades, have a black or gray mask. Weight: Proportionate to height. Risultato della ricerca di standard enci cane corso:. The head is moderately sculptured with zygomatic arches stretched outwards. Straight when viewed from the rear or front. Carried low, it is neither broken nor kinked but supple. For years he has been a precious companion of the Italic populations. Colours - All colours not prescribed, white patches too wide. Sempre come bovaro, il Corso doveva difendere le mandrie dai grandi predatori, quali l’orso o il lupo, inoltre era utilizzato come deterrente nelle zone afflitte dalla piaga dell’abigeato. Rather firm. Without working trial Nose Un tipo di caccia molto particolare in cui il Corso era specializzato era quella al tasso. Strong and powerful. Head Shoulder - Long, oblique, strong, equipped with long, powerful and well divided muscles, is adherent to the thorax but free in the movements. Its perimeter, measured straight underneath the elbow, is equal to 39% of the height at the withers, the carpus-cubital groove is quite marked. The pigment of the soles and the nails must be dark. Disqualification: Any color with marking pattern as seen in black and tan breeds. Its length, slightly higher than its width, is equal to 20% of the height at the withers. The perimeter of the head, mesured at the cheek-bones, is more than twice the total length of the head even in the females. Harmoniously joined with the withers, shoulder and chest, the neck has its ideal direction at 45Æ from the ground and at right angle with the shoulder. FCI Standard N° 343 – pubblicazione del 17.12.2015 – in vigore dal 1 gennaio 2016 CANE CORSO Questa illustrazione non è necessariamente a dimostrazione del tipo ideale dello standard TRADUZIONE: Rivisto da R. Sporre- Willes. Its perimeter reaches 26% of height at the withers, at its top margin the pisiform bone is strongly projected backwards. Colour Hair Temperament More than two missing teeth; wry mouth. The overall confirmation of the dog should be well balanced and proportionate. It is slightly longer than the shoulder, strong, with very well grown bones and muscles, well joined to the trunk in its top 2/3, measured from the ridge of the shoulder to the tip of the elbow, it has a length equal to 31/32% of the height at the withers and an inclination with the horizontal line of approx 58Æ/60Æ. Nose: Large with well-opened nostrils, pigment color to match pigment color of the dog. Gait/movement GAIT/MOVEMENT Classification F.C.I. Tail The incisors are firmly placed on a straight line. La moderna selezione non può prescindere dal fatto che il Cane Corso è un cane da lavoro, che ha sempre lavorato accanto all’uomo e per l’uomo e quindi non deve mettere in secondo ordine gli aspetti caratteriali. Front dewclaws: Can remain or be removed, if left intact should only be a single dewclaw on each leg. Ears: Triangular, drooping, with a wide set on high above the zygomatic arches. The 4 false ribs are long, oblique and open. (tolerance of ± 0.4”.) Pasterns: Almost straight, strong but flexible. CANE DA PASTORE DEI PIRENEI A PELO LUNGO. The official standard of the Cane Corso is approved by ENCI. Arm - It is slightly longer than the shoulder, strong, with very well grown bones and muscles, well joined to the trunk in its top 2/3, measured from the ridge of the shoulder to the tip of the elbow, it has a length equal to 31/32% of the height at the withers and an inclination with the horizontal line of approx 58Æ/60Æ. CUCCIOLI DOGS STANDARD HISTORY WHERE. His name derives from the Latin "Cohors" which means "Guardian", "Protector". Some wrinkling on forehead occurs when alert. Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. May be cropped or uncropped. The height of the thorax is 5/10 of the height at the withers and it is equal to the height of the limb at the elbows. Stefano Gandolfi, Gianantonio Sereni ed i fratelli Giancarlo e Luciano Malavasi, hanno raccolto la sfida che il recupero della razza poneva e fondato la Società Amatori Cane Corso. Carpal Joint and Pasterns: Elastic It is long, lean, with a strong bone and muscle structure, has a well marked muscular groove. Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. Non è una razza estrema in nessuna sua caratteristica o manifestazione, e da ciò deriva la sua apprezzabile armonia. Fore profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). They clearly rise on the dorsal line and over the rump level, are high, long, wide. Muzzle Head Il collo è possente ed il torace ben aperto e disceso. Planes of the skull and muzzle are slightly convergent; they are not parallel. Permanent amble when trotting Built on a rectangle, it absolutely must not resemble the Neapolitan Mastiff. He is easily trained. Thorax - It has to be well grown in the three dimensions with long, oblique, wide and well hoped ribs with wide intercostal spaces. There may be a white patch on the chest, throat, chin, backs of the pasterns, and on the toes. 110Æ. Back: Rectilinear, very muscular and firm. Seen from the front, it follows the perpendicular line of the forearm and of the carpus. Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Storia meno gloriosa e recente è quella a partire dal secondo dopo guerra, in cui il veloce mutare delle condizioni socio economiche, l’abbandono dell’allevamento dei bovini allo stato brado ed il progressivo distacco dalla campagna, hanno condotto a trascurare la selezione della razza, che, ridotta a pochi esemplari, ha rasentato l’estinzione. Body with the more frequent defects (by the book"Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). The lower side profile of the muzzle is determined by the upper lips, the suborbital region shows a very slight chisel. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT - Intelligent, active and even-minded, he is an unequalled watch and protection dog. In the case of natural tails, the tip reaches the hock but not below. Hair: Short, shiny, very dense with a light undercoat. They have a round shape, with very arcuated and gathered toes (cat's foot). Partial and bilateral palpebral depigmentation, wall-eye, bilateral strabismus. Its average width is equal to 23% of the height at the withers, its inclination on the horizontal line, on the basis of the ilium-ischiatic line is of 28Æ/30Æ, on the basis of the line from the ridge of the hip to the insertion of the tail is of 15Æ/16Æ. In famiglia è un cane docile e socievole, particolarmente tollerante con i bambini di casa nei confronti dei quali, conscio della sua forza, è particolarmente delicato. A small white patch on the chest, on the feet tips and on the nose bridge is accepted. Strong, square: the front part of the muzzle is flat; the lateral surfaces are parallel; the muzzle is as wide as long.