Nietzsche e la morte di Dio . He was named after King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia, who turned 49 on the day of Nietzsche's birth (Nietzsche later dropped his middle name Wilhelm). In Daybreak, Nietzsche began his "Campaign against Morality". "[281][282][283] Nietzsche made an impact on composers during the 1890s. according to the circumstances of individual perspectives. If possible, download the file in its original format. Nietzsche's friendship with Deussen and Rohde cooled as well. 105–12 in, Leonard Sax, "What was the cause of Nietzsche's dementia? He was also alienated by Wagner's championing of "German culture", which Nietzsche felt a contradiction in terms as well as by Wagner's celebration of his fame among the German public. [88] After discovering the situation, Nietzsche's sister Elisabeth became determined to get Nietzsche away from the "immoral woman". In 1886, his sister Elisabeth married the antisemite Bernhard Förster and travelled to Paraguay to found Nueva Germania, a "Germanic" colony—a plan Nietzsche responded to with mocking laughter. In a 29 March 1887 letter to Theodor Fritsch, Nietzsche mocked anti-Semites, Fritsch, Eugen Dühring, Wagner, Ebrard, Wahrmund, and the leading advocate of pan-Germanism, Paul de Lagarde, who would become, along with Wagner and Houston Chamberlain, the main official influences of Nazism. 2014. [337] Aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy, especially his ideas of the self and his relation to society, run through much of late-twentieth and early twenty-first century thought. Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished. [187] A favorite motto of Nietzsche, taken from Pindar, reads: "Become what you are. Year: 2013. What have you done to overcome him? La teologia delia morte di DioIneontri culturali Perche 1'etica, perche il trágicoPrassi e teoria Nietzsche e !a filosofia . [March 1887] 1921. [196] Still, Nietzsche saw his philosophy as a counter-movement to nihilism through appreciation of art: Art as the single superior counterforce against all will to negation of life, art as the anti-Christian, anti-Buddhist, anti-Nihilist par excellence. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: this 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos—an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists. [102] Two policemen approached him after he caused a public disturbance in the streets of Turin. It is a purely physical concept, involving no supernatural reincarnation, but the return of beings in the same bodies. Elisabeth employed Steiner as a tutor to help her to understand her brother's philosophy. The file will be sent to your Kindle account. Pp. He was named after King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia, who turned 49 on the day of Nietzsche's birth (Nietzsche later dropped his middle name Wilhelm). 1987. In 1873, Nietzsche began to accumulate notes that would be posthumously published as Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks. Living off his pension from Basel and aid from friends, Nietzsche traveled frequently to find climates more conducive to his health and lived until 1889 as an independent author in different cities. Overbeck and Gast decided to withhold publishing The Antichrist and Ecce Homo because of their more radical content. He describes primordial unity as the increase of strength, the experience of fullness and plenitude bestowed by frenzy. In 1881, when France occupied Tunisia, he planned to travel to Tunis to view Europe from the outside but later abandoned that idea, probably for health reasons. Similar Items. [160] His writings have also been described as a revolutionary project in which his philosophy serves as the foundation of a European cultural rebirth.[161][162]. In 1883, he tried and failed to obtain a lecturing post at the University of Leipzig. După «Nietzsche-Lexicon» editat de Prof. Cristian Niemeyer (2009), cu participarea a 150 de cercetători specialiști în filozofia lui Nietzsche, sora sa, Elisabeth Forster a măsluit masiv și sistematic opera marelui filosof. "[141] Nietzsche believed his name might have been Germanized, in one letter claiming, "I was taught to ascribe the origin of my blood and name to Polish noblemen who were called Niëtzky and left their home and nobleness about a hundred years ago, finally yielding to unbearable suppression: they were Protestants. Übersetzt von Ida Overbeck, initiiert von Friedrich Nietzsche. The overman does not follow the morality of common people since that favors mediocrity but rises above the notion of good and evil and above the "herd". [69], With Ritschl's support, Nietzsche received a remarkable offer, in 1869, to become a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel in Switzerland. ISBN 10: 8868262754. In its preface—which suggests Nietzsche was well aware of the interpretive difficulties his work would generate—he declares, "Hear me! Nietzsche presented this "master morality" as the original system of morality—perhaps best associated with Homeric Greece. Nietzsche argued that the idea of equality allowed slaves to overcome their own conditions without despising themselves. [43] Prominent elements of his philosophy include his radical critique of truth in favor of perspectivism; a genealogical critique of religion and Christian morality and related theory of master–slave morality;[36][44][i] the aesthetic affirmation of existence in response to the "death of God" and the profound crisis of nihilism;[36] the notion of Apollonian and Dionysian forces; and a characterization of the human subject as the expression of competing wills, collectively understood as the will to power. [150] Köhler also suggests Nietzsche may have had a romantic relationship, as well as a friendship, with Paul Rée. [85] Gast was one of the very few friends Nietzsche allowed to criticize him. Thereafter, he saw his work as completed for a time and hoped that soon a readership would develop. His end-of-semester exams in March 1864 showed a 1 in Religion and German; a 2a in Greek and Latin; a 2b in French, History, and Physics; and a "lackluster" 3 in Hebrew and Mathematics. A basic element in Nietzsche's philosophical outlook is the "will to power" (der Wille zur Macht), which he maintained provides a basis for understanding human behavior—more so than competing explanations, such as the ones based on pressure for adaptation or survival. Humanity still has no goal." [276], W.B. It may take up to 1-5 minutes before you receive it. It was probably Lichtenberg (along with Paul Rée) whose aphoristic style of writing contributed to Nietzsche's own use of aphorism. An example of the impact of this idea can be seen in the book Patterns of Culture, where anthropologist Ruth Benedict acknowledges Nietzschean opposites of "Apollonian" and "Dionysian" as the stimulus for her thoughts about Native American cultures. "Nietzsche's Breakdown in Turin." (Daybreak, 14) The diagnosis of syphilis has since been challenged and a diagnosis of "manic-depressive illness with periodic psychosis followed by vascular dementia" was put forward by Cybulska prior to Schain's study. [306] Chaim Weizmann was a great admirer of Nietzsche; the first president of Israel sent Nietzsche's books to his wife, adding a comment in a letter that "This was the best and finest thing I can send to you. In Western philosophy, Nietzsche's writings have been described as a case of free revolutionary thought, that is, revolutionary in its structure and problems, although not tied to any revolutionary project. [202], Nietzsche felt that modern antisemitism was "despicable" and contrary to European ideals. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books you've read. "[2][126][65][127] Others do not assign him a national category. By rising above mass culture, those persons would produce higher, brighter, and healthier human beings. Publisher: Castelvecchi. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche; 15. oktobar 1844 — 25. avgust 1900) radikalni nemački filozof-pesnik, jedan od najvećih modernih mislilaca i jedan od najžešćih kritičara zapadne kulture i hrišćanstva. His books remained largely unsold. I teach you the overman. [246] Due to his Heraclitean sympathies, Nietzsche was also a vociferous critic of Parmenides, who, in contrast to Heraclitus, viewed the world as a single, unchanging Being. 1988. In 1885, he printed only 40 copies of the fourth part of Zarathustra and distributed a fraction of them among close friends, including Helene von Druskowitz. "If my life were to recur, then it could recur only in identical fashion." [143] Max Oehler, Nietzsche's cousin and curator of the Nietzsche Archive at Weimar, argued that all of Nietzsche's ancestors bore German names, including the wives' families. "Genealogy and Jurisprudence: Nietzsche, Nihilism, and the Social Scientification of Law.". "Nietzsche and the Philology of the Future" (Stanford University Press, 2000). [179] This leads to constant reassessment of rules (i.e., those of philosophy, the scientific method, etc.) 250-278), il saggio dello stesso Treiber, Il monastero di N ietzsche degli “spiriti liberi”. Nietzsche died in 1900. La nietzscheana "morte di Dio" e le ambiguità del nichilismo odierno by: Miccoli, Paolo Published: (1982) ; Il profeta e Dio by: Blank, Sheldon H. 1896-1989 Published: (1961) ; Nietzsche e Heidegger tra "morte di Dio" e nazismo by: Vanzan, Piersandro 1934-2011 Published: (1988) "A thousand goals have there been so far", says Zarathustra, "for there are a thousand peoples. [52] At Schulpforta, Nietzsche received an important grounding in languages—Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and French—so as to be able to read important primary sources;[55] he also experienced for the first time being away from his family life in a small-town conservative environment. He spent many summers in Sils Maria near St. Moritz in Switzerland. He read Kant, Plato, Mill, Schopenhauer and Spir,[241] who became the main opponents in his philosophy, and later Baruch Spinoza, whom he saw as his "precursor" in many respects[242] but as a personification of the "ascetic ideal" in others. [270], Nietzsche's works did not reach a wide readership during his active writing career. [120] Poisoning by mercury, a treatment for syphilis at the time of Nietzsche's death,[121] has also been suggested. Nietzsche attended a boys' school and then a private school, where he became friends with Gustav Krug and Wilhelm Pinder, all three of whom came from highly respected families. The essays shared the orientation of a cultural critique, challenging the developing German culture suggested by Schopenhauer and Wagner. In Ecce Homo Nietzsche called the establishment of moral systems based on a dichotomy of good and evil a "calamitous error",[199] and wished to initiate a re-evaluation of the values of the Christian world. ", Nietzsche, "Die Florentinischer Tractat über Homer und Hesiod", in. This leads to his conclusion that European culture, from the time of Socrates, had always been only Apollonian, thus decadent and unhealthy. Milkowski, Marcin. Find books von Müller, Hans. Man is something that shall be overcome. ", Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Influence and reception of Friedrich Nietzsche, Nietzsche's ideas were commonly associated with anarchist movements, Relationship between Friedrich Nietzsche and Max Stirner,, "Shakespeare Contra Nietzsche by Andrew Lanham", "Der Philosoph Philipp Mainländer entdeckt das Nirwanaprinzip: Die Welt als Gottes Selbstmordprojekt", "Féré et Nietzsche : au sujet de la décadence", 'Madness' of Nietzsche was cancer not syphilis, Metaphors in and for the Sociology of Religion: Towards a Theory after Nietzsche, The Duality of Nietzsche's Theory of the Will to Power: The Psychological and Cosmological Aspects, "100 years after death, Nietzsche's popularity keeps growing", "Nietzsche's aesthetic critique of Darwin", "Ernst Schmeitzner (1851–1895). L'idea di bene in Tolstoj e Nietzsche Lev Sestov. Nietzsche. [115] Nietzsche had previously written, "All superior men who were irresistibly drawn to throw off the yoke of any kind of morality and to frame new laws had, if they were not actually mad, no alternative but to make themselves or pretend to be mad." [57] The teacher who corrected the essay gave it a good mark but commented that Nietzsche should concern himself in the future with healthier, more lucid, and more "German" writers. [78][79] On returning to Basel in 1870, Nietzsche observed the establishment of the German Empire and Otto von Bismarck's subsequent policies as an outsider and with a degree of skepticism regarding their genuineness. After the death of Nietzsche's grandmother in 1856, the family moved into their own house, now Nietzsche-Haus, a museum and Nietzsche study center. He is known to have tried using the Hansen Writing Ball, a contemporary typewriter device. "[142], Most scholars dispute Nietzsche's account of his family's origins. ", The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "Kasper Niesiecki, Herbarz Polski, wyd. She had been interested in Nietzsche as a friend, but not as a husband. Through her published editions, Nietzsche's work became associated with fascism and Nazism;[48] 20th-century scholars contested this interpretation of his work and corrected editions of his writings were soon made available. [275] Nietzsche is known today as a precursor to existentialism, post-structuralism and postmodernism. 1988. On at least one occasion, on 23 February 1880, the usually poor Gast received 200 marks from their mutual friend, Paul Rée. German soldiers received copies of Thus Spoke Zarathustra as gifts during World War I. [272][273][274] H.L. The file will be sent to your email address. Here Foucault referenced Nietzsche's description of the birth and death of tragedy and his explanation that the subsequent tragedy of the Western world was the refusal of the tragic and, with that, refusal of the sacred. Likewise, he rejected the view that the movement of bodies is ruled by inexorable laws of nature, positing instead that movement was governed by the power relations between bodies and forces. In the end, a past student of his, Heinrich Köselitz or Peter Gast, became a private secretary to Nietzsche. But such a conception of happiness Nietzsche rejected as something limited to, and characteristic of, the bourgeois lifestyle of the English society,[214] and instead put forth the idea that happiness is not an aim per se. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/ˈniːtʃə, ˈniːtʃi/;[32]German: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈniːtʃə] (listen) or [ˈniːtsʃə];[33][34] 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, writer, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. Although Nietzsche had previously announced at the end of On the Genealogy of Morality a new work with the title The Will to Power: Attempt at a Revaluation of All Values, he seems to have abandoned this idea and, instead, used some of the draft passages to compose Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist in 1888.[100]. Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner. Jahrhunderts. Hence, the title of the aphorism, "On The Thousand And One Goal". [November 1868] 1921. [40] In 1889, at age 44, he suffered a collapse and afterward a complete loss of his mental faculties. In fact, interest in Nietzsche's thought did increase at this time, if rather slowly and hardly perceptibly to him. Converted file can differ from the original. Nietzsche soon fell into a period of mental anguish, although he continued to write to Rée, stating "We shall see one another from time to time, won't we? And they also claim that Nietzsche directed his landlord to burn those notes in 1888 when he left Sils Maria. Salomé reports that he asked her to marry him on three separate occasions and that she refused, though the reliability of her reports of events is questionable. During the late 19th century Nietzsche's ideas were commonly associated with anarchist movements and appear to have had influence within them, particularly in France and the United States. With the publication in 1878 of Human, All Too Human (a book of aphorisms ranging from metaphysics to morality to religion), a new style of Nietzsche's work became clear, highly influenced by Afrikan Spir's Thought and Reality[82] and reacting against the pessimistic philosophy of Wagner and Schopenhauer. 1947. Please login to your account first; Need help? per ipovedenti [52] The family then moved to Naumburg, where they lived with Nietzsche's maternal grandmother and his father's two unmarried sisters. Richard Wagner was dismissive of Nietzsche's music, allegedly mocking a birthday gift of a piano composition sent by Nietzsche in 1871 to his wife Cosima. For a short time, he and Deussen became members of the Burschenschaft Frankonia. Gordon, E.R. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Richard Nixon read Nietzsche with "curious interest", and his book Beyond Peace might have taken its title from Nietzsche's book Beyond Good and Evil which Nixon read beforehand. Brobjer, Thomas. Indeed, Mazzino Montinari, the editor of Nietzsche's Nachlass, called it a forgery.[125]. OAI identifier: Provided by: Archivio istituzionale della Ricerca - … "Nietzsche's Aesthetic Solution to the Problem of Epigonism in the Nineteenth Century." Amidst renewed bouts of illness, living in near-isolation after a falling out with his mother and sister regarding Salomé, Nietzsche fled to Rapallo, where he wrote the first part of Also Sprach Zarathustra in only ten days. Since his childhood, various disruptive illnesses had plagued him, including moments of shortsightedness that left him nearly blind, migraine headaches, and violent indigestion. [151] It is also known that Nietzsche frequented heterosexual brothels. In March 1890, Franziska removed Nietzsche from the clinic and, in May 1890, brought him to her home in Naumburg. Weber, for example, relied on Nietzsche's perspectivism by maintaining that objectivity is still possible—but only after a particular perspective, value, or end has been established. Nietzsche wrote of the affair in 1883, that he now felt "genuine hatred for my sister".[92]. She reworked Nietzsche's unpublished writings to fit her own German nationalist ideology while often contradicting or obfuscating Nietzsche's stated opinions, which were explicitly opposed to antisemitism and nationalism. ... All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood, and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? [88] Nietzsche nonetheless was content to join together with Rée and Salomé touring through Switzerland and Italy together, planning their commune. Nietzsche recognized this and maintained his solitude, though he often complained. He proposed to Lou Salomé three times and each time was rejected. g |last=Arena |first=Leonardo Vittorio |title=Nietzsche in China in the XXth Century |publisher=ebook |year=2012}}. Yeats and Arthur Symons described Nietzsche as the intellectual heir to William Blake. Oltre l'abisso. [175] Painter Mark Rothko was influenced by Nietzsche's view of tragedy presented in The Birth of Tragedy. [84] He subsequently transcribed and proofread the galleys for almost all of Nietzsche's work. [317] The Nazis made selective use of Nietzsche's philosophy. [176][177][178] Nietzsche rejected the idea of objective reality, arguing that knowledge is contingent and conditional, relative to various fluid perspectives or interests. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Overbeck traveled to Turin and brought Nietzsche to a psychiatric clinic in Basel. She studied Nietzsche's works and, piece by piece, took control of their publication. The two met Nietzsche in Rome in April 1882, and Nietzsche is believed to have instantly fallen in love with Salomé, as Rée had done. He also shared Nietzsche's view of tragedy. Oltre l'abisso. The willingness is more essential than the merit of the goal itself, according to Nietzsche. "[152][153], Köhler's views have not found wide acceptance among Nietzsche scholars and commentators. In constructing a world where objective knowledge is possible, Christianity is an antidote to a primal form of nihilism—the despair of meaninglessness. The will to live would become the will to dominate; pessimism founded on reflection would become optimism founded on courage; the suspense of the will in contemplation would yield to a more biological account of intelligence and taste; finally in the place of pity and asceticism (Schopenhauer's two principles of morals) Nietzsche would set up the duty of asserting the will at all costs and being cruelly but beautifully strong. He was regarded as one of the finest riders among his fellow recruits, and his officers predicted that he would soon reach the rank of captain. In February, they ordered a fifty-copy private edition of Nietzsche contra Wagner, but the publisher C. G. Naumann secretly printed one hundred. [148] Reflecting on unrequited love, Nietzsche considered that "indispensable ... to the lover is his unrequited love, which he would at no price relinquish for a state of indifference. However, in 1888 the influential Danish critic Georg Brandes aroused considerable excitement about Nietzsche through a series of lectures he gave at the University of Copenhagen. To comprehend eternal recurrence, and to not only come to peace with it but to embrace it, requires amor fati, "love of fate". [286] Critics have suggested that the character of David Grief in A Son of the Sun was based on Nietzsche. [208] Furthermore, he emphasized the danger of nihilism and the possibilities it offers, as seen in his statement that "I praise, I do not reproach, [nihilism's] arrival.