David went back again to his shepherd life, but "the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward," and "the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul" ( 1 Samuel 16:13 1 Samuel 16:14 ). He secures an important ally in Abiathar, ( 1 Samuel 23:6 ) his band of 400 at Adullam soon increased to 600, ( 1 Samuel 23:13 ) he is hunted by Saul from place to place like a partridge. Bathsheba became his wife after Uriah's death. The two now parted never to meet again. There was a strong popular sentiment against the taking of the census, and the outburst of the plague in connection with it deepened the feeling of jealously that had begun to manifest itself among some of the tribes against David. In regard to this question it must be remembered that in the East at any rate there is no such distinction as that of sacred and secular. On two occasions David had Saul in his power, but refused to seize the opportunity of taking his life (1 Samuel 24-26). Le significato … Most of his conquests were won for him by Joab (1 Chronicles 11:6; 2 Samuel 11:1), who willingly accorded David the credit of what he himself had done (2 Samuel 12:27,28; compare Here again there are no adequate grounds for supposing we have two accounts of one and the same incident. David la convirtió en su residencia real. David himself is out-witted by Joab, though with a friendly purpose (2 Samuel 14:1). The incident recounted in 2 Samuel 23:9 happened at Pasdammim (1 Chronicles 11:13). His life may be divided into three portions: His youth before his introduction to the court of Saul; His relations with Saul; His reign. The conduct of David in his relations with the Philistines was not more reprehensible than that of the Cid who allied himself with Al-Mu'taman of Saragossa, or of Coriolanus who went over to the Volsci. His impact on the history of Israel is seen from the extensive interest in him and his successors as reflected in the Deuteronomic history, the prophets, the Chronicler's history, the psalms, and the New Testament. Hitherto David's carrer had been one of great prosperity and success. Harassed by the necessity of moving from place to place through fear of Saul, David once more sought refuge among the Philistines ( 1 Samuel 27 ). Bibliography. ( 1 Samuel 25:42 1 Samuel 25:43 ) Finally comes the new of the battle of Gilboa and the death of Saul and Jonathan. Es un nombre que ha aparecido en muchas ocasiones en la biblia, de aquí que pueda decir que es un nombre con una gran presencia dentro del mundo religioso. Three (not seven) years of famine was the alternative offered to David (2 Samuel 24:13; compare 1 Chronicles 21:12). The facts seem to have been somewhat as follows: It had become evident that Saul was not equal to the task to which he had been set--the task of breaking the Philistine power, and it became the duty of Samuel, as the vicar of Yahweh and as still holding very large powers, to look about for a successor. The manner in which he got himself out of Gath after this first visit there (1 Samuel 21:13) and the fact that he hoodwinked Achish during sixteen months (1 Samuel 27; 28:1) may excite our admiration but not our respect. With true oriental subtlety he believed firmly in keeping one's secret to oneself at all costs (1 Samuel 21:2). It resulted in the defeat of Abner. To the accompaniment of his lyre David no doubt sang words, either of popular songs or of lyrics of his own composition, in that wailing eastern key which seems to be an imitation of the bleating of flocks. David himself publicly announces Solomon's appointment as his successor, an announcement greeted with enthusiastic and total support on the part of the people ( 1 Chron 28:1-29:25 ), including the other sons of David, the officers of the army, and others who had supported Adnoijah's attempted coup ( 1 Chron 29:24 ; 1 Kings 1:7-10 ). Compound Forms: Spanish: English: estrella de David loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). Yet he could rule them by gentleness as well as by force (30:23). El web "Estudiar la Biblia" proporciona una gran cantidad de recursos cristianos: estudios bíblicos, testimonios cristianos, vídeos evangélicos, etc. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. En inglés, francés y alemán: David (variando la pronunciación). ( 1 Samuel 17:34 1 Samuel 17:35 ) It was some years after this that David suddenly appears before his brothers in the camp of the army, and hears the defiant challenge of the Philistine giant Goliath. David in the New Testament. The only person who bears this name in the Bible is the son of Jesse, the second king of Israel. 1915. There his family had been settled for generations, indeed ever since the Israelite nation had overrun the land of Canaan. His swiftness and activity made him like a wild gazelle, his feet like harts feet, and his arms strong enough to break a bow of steel. Other encounters, however, between Israel and Judah followed ( 2 Samuel 3:1 2 Samuel 3:5 ), but still success was on the side of David. The accounts are overlaid with themes of sexuality and political intrigue. Within the larger DH, the writer is concerned to trace the faithfulness of God in his promise to David that he would never lack a descendant sitting on this throne ( 2 Sam 7 ). David in the Deuteronomic History. If we accept all the statements of the dramatis personae in these narratives we shall not get very far. ( 2 Samuel 3:30 ; 4:5 ) The throne, so long waiting for him, was now vacant, and the united voice of the whole people at once called him to occupy it. He had not only to keep a sharp lookout for thieves, but on more than one occasion had with no other weapon than his shepherd's club or staff to rescue a lamb from the clutches of a lion or a bear (1 Samuel 17:34). David's first impulse on his flight from Saul had been to seek safety there (1 Samuel 21:10-15). The end. (well-beloved ), the son of Jesse. The early life of David contains in many important respects the antecedents of his future career. Proud member David's special body-guard of Philistine troops--the Cherethites and Pelethites--were commanded by Benaiah, who in the following reign, succeeded Joab (1 Kings 2:35). As no other descendants of Nahshon are mentioned, his authority probably descended to Jesse by right of primogeniture. David will not be the good shepherd who will give his life for the sheep. In Chronicles David and Solomon are portrayed as glorious, obedient, all-conquering figures who enjoy not only divine blessing, but also the support of all the nation. This cave was admirably suited to the outlaw's purpose and no doubt David had many a time explored its recesses when a boy. David immediately removed from Ziklag and took up his quarters at Hebron, where he was at once anointed king over his own tribe of Judah. Then began a civil war in Israel. His bright eyes are specially mentioned, ( 1 Samuel 16:12 ) and generally he was remarkable for the grace of his figure and countenance ("fair of eyes," "comely," "goodly,") ( 1 Samuel 16:12 1 Samuel 16:18 ; 17:42 ) well made and of immense strength and agility. An extra private priest is mentioned in 2 Samuel 20:26 (compare 2 Samuel 23:26,38). While David, in the freshness of ruddy youth, was thus engaged with his flocks, Samuel paid an unexpected visit to Bethlehem, having been guided thither by divine direction ( 1 Samuel 16:1-13 ). He had to fight the battles of a king whose one idea was to bring about his ruin. When David fled from Saul she was given to Phaltiel, but was restored to David after Saul's death. He is the friend of the poor and the enemy of the oppressor. David (ebraică דָּוִד; latină Davidus, David; posibil semnificând „persoana iubită” sau „cel iubit”) este descris în Biblia ebraică ca al treilea rege al Regatului Israelului (unit), devenind rege după domnia scurtă a lui Ishboshet. 2 Samuel 8:13; 1 Chronicles 18:11 with the title of 1 Samuel 23:24), and his whole career is largely to be explained by the fact that, at the moment, the tribe of Judah as a whole was passing from insignificance to supremacy. After a few weeks the rival armies were mustered and organized. Ceremonial functions are greatly elaborated (chapter 16; compare 2Sa 6). ; K. R. R. Gros Louis, Semeia8 (1977): 15-33; D. M. Gunn, The Story of King David; J. Whether David possessed moral courage to an equal degree is another matter. The home of David when he comes upon the stage of history was the picturesque town of Bethlehem. Hard pressed both by Saul and the Philistines (who had established themselves even in Bethlehem) he committed his parents to the keeping of the king of Moab, and began to rove as a freebooter through the country (1 Samuel 23:5,15,25,29). It has been noted as characteristic of the Bible that while his military triumphs are recorded in a few verses, the sad story of his fall is given in detail, a story full of warning, and therefore recorded. Jonathan was inspired by the romantic friendship which bound the two youths together to the end of their lives. Es conocido por vencer al gigante Goliat lanzándole una piedra con su honda. Es conocido por vencer al gigante Goliat lanzándole una piedra con su honda. David now, abandoning all hope of ever conciliating the king (1 Samuel 27:1), made a move which shows at once his reckless daring and consummate genius. David king over all Israel ( 2 Samuel 5:1-5 ; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3 ). The historical books recall David's skill as a musician and his concern with music in worship ( 1 Sam 16:14-21 ; 1 Chron 25 ; 2 Chron 23:18 ; 29:25-30 ; 35:15 ). His sovereignty of Judah is said to have lasted 7 1/2 years and that over the undivided people 33, making a reign of 40 years, beginning from David's 30th year (2 Samuel 5:5; 1 Chronicles 3:4; in 2 Samuel 2:10 the text is probably corrupt). He would establish an everlasting kingdom. Like King Arthur and other heroes he carried a famous sword--the sword of Goliath (1 Samuel 21:9). The Hebrew text states that Saul first offered his elder daughter to David, and then failed to implement his promise (1 Samuel 18:17-19,21), but this passage is not found in the Greek. Taken from the sheep herds, he would prove himself in battle (beginning as a young man, slaying Goliath), becoming more popular than King Saul. War continued between David and Abner for several years, fortune always favoring David. Significado de los nombres 46,615 views. The old tabernacle was now at Gibeah, at which Zadok ministered. Even the blame for the schism is shifted from Solomon to Jeroboam ( 2 Chron 13:6-7 ). It became apparent that his life was now drawing to its close. He had now reached the height of his glory. In his rage at the failure of all his efforts to seize David, Saul gave orders for the massacre of the entire priestly family at Nob, "persons who wore a linen ephod", to the number of eighty-five persons, who were put to death by Doeg the Edomite. david significato biblico Posted on Settembre 24, 2020 by . A David le gustan las cosas claras, no soporta la falta de transparencia, por lo que él mismo dice lo que piensa sin reparos. He mentions that with his own unaided hand he slew a lion and also a bear, when they came out against his flock, beating them to death in open conflict with his club ( 1 Samuel 17:34 1 Samuel 17:35 ). The deep-laid plots of the enraged king, who could not fail to observe that David "prospered exceedingly," all proved futile, and only endeared the young hero the more to the people, and very specially to Jonathan, Saul's son, between whom and David a life-long warm friendship was formed. The majority of what we learn about David's life and times is contained in the accounts in Samuel. Uriah, whom he had foully wronged, an officer of the Gibborim, the corps of heros ( 23:39 ), was, by his order, "set in the front of the hottest battle" at the siege of Rabbah, in order that he might be put to death. His weak indulgence to his sons, and his own great sin besides, had been bitterly atoned, and were forgotten at his death in the remembrance of his long-tried worth. Gunn also accents the themes of giving and grasping: whereas some accounts present David or other characters as somewhat passive in their roles, in others they seize or grasp at favor and power. ( 2 Samuel 10:1-19 ; 12:26-31 ) Three great calamities may be selected as marking the beginning, middle and close of Davids otherwise prosperous reign, which appear to be intimated in the question of Gad, ( 2 Samuel 24:13 ) "a three-years famine, a three-months flight or a three-days pestilence." 1 Samuel 22:2; 23:13; 25:13). The revolt began in Hebron, the capital of Judah. David now ( 1 Chronicles 16 ) carefully set in order all the ritual of divine worship at Jerusalem, along with Abiathar the high priest. His mother's name is not recorded. The exciting and laborious life he had spent, and the dangers and trials through which he had passed, had left him an enfeebled man, prematurely old. The incidents of which he boasted to Saul would not have occurred, had his proper occupation taken up all his thoughts; but, like King Alfred, his head seems to have been filled with ideas far removed from his humble task. (It is not clear to which clause "like David" belongs, probably to both.) The king of the Philistines would not admit him into his service, as he expected that he would, and David accordingly now betook himself to the stronghold of Adullam ( 22:1-4 ; 1 Chronicles 12:8-18 ). David had become the heir of God's promise to Abraham that he would give him a great name ( Gen 12:2 ; 2 Sam 7:9 ). was largely due to the fact that the two great empires of Egypt and Assyria were at the moment passing through a period of weakness and decay. David's wars. After this he returned to the old shepherd life again. Samuel saw that David was formed of other clay than his brothers, and he anointed him as he had done Saul (1 Samuel 10:1). The account of David's relationship with Bathsheba not only prepares for the eventual accession of Solomon, but it also sets in motion a curse that will dog the remainder of David's life: death and sexual outrage will follow, and "the sword will never depart from [his] house" ( 2 Sam 12:10 ). ( 1 Samuel 21:13 ) His first retreat was the cave of Adullam. Yet it must be confessed that David's prudence often degenerates into cunning. The many psalms assigned to David reflect this skill and interest. David's heart was such that he would face Goliath virtually unarmed and would triumph through his faith, while Saul cowered in his tent ( 1 Sam 17 ). David es un nombre masculino de origen hebreo (Dawich). ¿Cuál es el significado de David? His kingdom is peaceful, prosperous, everlasting, and faithful to the Lord. Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, No temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo; Tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento. The title "Christ" is a Greek translation of the Hebrew anointed one or messiah. He was the bosom friend of a prince whom he proposed to supplant in his inheritance. Jonathan made a fruitless effort to bring his father to a better state of mind toward David ( 1 Samuel 20 ), who, being made aware of the fact, saw no hope of safety but in flight to a distance. Of such stuff some of his bravest soldiers were made (2 Samuel 23:13). His name was well known in the country--Saul does not require to be told who he is (1 Samuel 16:18; 17:58)--but he was by this time advanced in years (1 Samuel 17:12). He was regarded as the chosen of Heaven, by friend and foe alike (1 Samuel 23:17). From what we know of his after history, doubtless he frequently beguiled his time, when thus engaged, with his shepherd's flute, while he drank in the many lessons taught him by the varied scenes spread around him. This period of his career is full of stirring adventures which remind us of Robert Bruce or William Wallace of Scotland. Ahithophel sides with Absalom; Hushai with David (2 Samuel 15:12,32). David's chief weakness in regard to his family was his indulgence of some of his sons and favoring some above others, and want of firmness in regard to them. He was in consequence appointed commander-in-chief (1 Chronicles 11:6,8), a post which he held as long as David lived. Joab accuses Abner of deceit, while he himself was faithful to none except David (2 Samuel 3:25). What Mohammed meant was that the shepherd enjoys leisure and solitude for reflection and for plunging into those day dreams out of which prophets are made. Whatever the nature of the instrument was, David acquired such proficiency in playing it that his fame as a musician soon spread throughout the countryside (1 Samuel 16:18). The Septuagint supplies occasions to two or three more psalms; but all such statements are merely the conjectures of readers and scribes and are of no historical value. Perhaps nothing proves the genius of David better than his choice of Jebus as the capital of the country--which it still continues to be after a lapse of three thousand years. David took his sling, and with a well-trained aim threw a stone "out of the brook," which struck the giant's forehead, so that he fell senseless to the ground. In accordance with the practice of the kings of his time, David had several wives. Chosen by God to succeed Saul, he had been anointed secretly by Samuel and became king of all of Israel upon defeating Saul's son Ish-bosheth. He thus delivered Israel from their enemies. Aplique los estudios bíblicos diariamente a su vida, crezca espiritualmente y acérquese cada día más a Dios. There are sayings of Mohammed that the happiest life is that of the shepherd, and that no one became a prophet who had not at one time tended a flock of sheep. Peace was now restored, and David returned to Jerusalem and resumed the direction of affairs.
Mish-kahn means the dwelling-place of (except 122), viz., Way, Testimony, Precepts, Commandments, Laying, Significato del nome Caterina, origine ed etimologia di Caterina, onomastico, diffusione, popolarità e altre curiosità sul nome Caterina. David's fall. He was now about thirty years of age. David and his men rent their clothes and mourned for Saul, who had been defeated in battle near Mount Gilboa. Ponemos a tu disposición muchos recursos sobre el hebreo, indispensables para conocer a fondo nuestra historia. The wonder, therefore, is, not that David was guilty of occasional obliquity, but that he remained as straightforward and simple as he was. In the New Testament, David is regarded as the author of the Psalms (Acts 4:25; Romans 4:6; Hebrews 4:7). "I am the Resurrection and the Life" (14:6). La fortaleza de los jebuseos de Sión que David capturó y llamó la ciudad de David (2Ch 5:2). David and his men now set out for Hebron under divine direction ( 2 Samuel 2:1-4 ). Still it does seem strange that two of David's best friends were two enemies of his nation-- Nahash, king of the sons of Ammon (1 Samuel 11:1; 2 Samuel 10:1) and Achish, lord of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10; 27; 28:1; 29). Since no misfortune befell this person, but on the contrary much prosperity, David took courage after three months to bring the sacred chest and its contents into his royal city. And he seems to have been gifted with the saving sense of humor (1 Samuel 26:15). After three months David brought the ark from the house of Obed-edom up to Jerusalem. Expecting to Receive December 27, 2020 - 9:28 pm; God With Him, God With Us December 20, 2020 - 8:27 pm; The Perfect Church December 13, 2020 - 9:31 pm; Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required. Owing to the sudden death of one of the drivers, which he interpreted as indicative of anger on the part of Yahweh, David left the ark at the house of a Philistine which happened to be near at hand.